Three Odd Fellows...

Oddfellow Games is made up of three brothers Shane, Collin, and Brian Miclon.  Brought together by the 2020 pandemic, they had lots of ideas and plenty of time on their hands.  Naturally, they started a board game company.  Their inaugural game, Pigskin Pantheon, is set to kickstart in 2022 with plenty more games on the horizon...

Our first Game:  Pigskin Pantheon

Pigskin Pantheon is an insane 2-4 player football management card game!


A small "Season Deck" dictates the length of a game. When the deck runs out the season is over and a winner is crowned!


Choose from 32 different wacky and ridiculous players to build your team with and equip them with uniquely insane gear and accolades!


Battle it out on Game Day! Go head-to-head against your opponent adding bonuses to your players and sabotaging theirs!